Not everyone is courageous enough to fight at the border. We live safely because of the fearless soldiers who guard us in difficult terrains and adversities. If a building catches fire, few would show the valour to walk in to save the elderly woman stuck in her apartment on the third floor. This task is left to the firemen who are not only brave but also well-equipped to handle such situations.

When faced with such circumstances, we often realize our inability to gather the required courage to overcome the fear of confronting danger. But it is natural for ordinary people like us, isn’t it? Yes, having fear is natural, but it can be overcome. 

You can also become courageous to handle challenging tasks. You can be the person who speaks up in a meeting to point out the flaw in logic presented by a senior colleague, saving the company from undertaking a project that would lose millions. You could be the one who shows up when asked to take on a difficult task.

How? Courage is a skill that can be developed just like any other skill. The notion that some people are born courageous and others are not is only half true. Yes, some people are fearless from childhood, but anyone else can also learn, with incremental steps, to overcome fright holding them back and show bravery when required. One needs to tackle fear step by step, very logically and effectively. 

If you are afraid of snakes, maybe the basic understanding that not all snakes are poisonous could be the beginning. You can also make yourself aware of how many people die of snake bites in the world—the statistics are dismally small. Knowing that science has developed treatments to save people from snake poison and that snakes do not bite unless they sense a danger from you would certainly reduce your fear to a larger extent. While you might not practice facing a snake directly, you can watch documentaries on how snakes are handled to reduce your fear.

Another step to developing courage is having a stronger motive to take actions you have always feared. Motive can overcome fear. If the elderly woman caught in a burning building is a dear grandmother, a person would certainly take a risk to save her. This personal affection for the grandmother could be a strong motive to overcome the fear of fire. It is the slowly and progressively inculcated love for the nation and training that makes soldiers courageous to risk fighting at the border.

It is obvious that people do not take unnecessary risks. Motive has to be reasonable. If you live on the first floor, and even if it is faster to go to the ground floor by jumping out of the window, you don’t take that risk but rather use the stairs. Why would you jump out of the window to save time? There is no need. But if the building is on fire, you would not hesitate to jump out of the window, knowing well that it would be less risky than going through the stairs. Thus, fear and courage are relative to the situation, and understanding this logic can also make you more courageous.

Becoming courageous is about understanding and overcoming your fears step by step, having strong motives, and assessing risks logically. By doing so, you can develop the bravery needed to face challenging situations effectively, and become courageous.