We are born into families where each member is connected by what we call “blood relations.” At the workplace, we are connected through “professional relationships.” But friendship is unique—it is neither compelled by blood nor by profession. It is the only strong bond we create out of choice and sustain purely based on our will. You are not required to befriend anyone unless you genuinely like them. Even if a friendship is formed, there is no obligation to maintain it if it no longer works.
A few key factors are essential to creating and sustaining a friendship. The most important among them are common interests, tolerance, understanding, trust, and loyalty. People with similar interests—such as painting, reading, movies, cricket, or golf—tend to become friends more easily. Friends tolerate each other’s wishes and persistent requests. They understand each other well, which is why their relationships endure. However, above all, the most crucial elements of friendship are trust and loyalty. True friends do not seek personal gain in mutual dealings, nor do they need to make explicit promises never to betray each other. It is inherently understood in friendship that they will not lie, cheat, or break trust.
But what happens when you break a promise made to a friend? It often means the end of the friendship. You may lose a close friend simply by failing to keep your word. In true friendship, promises are rarely necessary, but when made, they are taken as words carved in stone. A friend should never take their own promise lightly. If, for any reason, a promise is broken, the friendship is deeply affected. This is because a friend is the last person one expects to betray or let them down, regardless of the circumstances.
Therefore, breaking a promise to a friend not only results in losing that friend but also in committing a significant injustice to them. Never take friendship lightly, as it is one of life’s most valuable assets—a solid foundation during difficult times. All other relationships come with obligations, but friendship is meant to be cherished and enjoyed in its purest form. It deserves respect and acknowledgement.