No action goes in vain; each one has an impact. Everything you do—or don’t do—has ramifications. Therefore, be mindful of your actions as well as their consequences.
Often, we focus only on our actions, assuming they are harmless. We act or refrain from acting without considering the possible repercussions. However, we seldom take the trouble to reflect on the impact of such actions or inactions.
Consider this: You lend your phone to someone to make a call, unaware that the call was made to deceive another person. From your perspective, you merely performed a simple act—allowing someone to use your phone. However, the consequences of this seemingly innocent action were devastating, beyond your knowledge. Similarly, imagine driving alone on a deserted highway in the middle of a cold night. You see a person desperately waving for a lift, but out of concern for your safety, you decide not to stop. The next moment, he is attacked and fatally stabbed by two criminals who had been pursuing him. You could hardly have imagined that your decision not to help would lead to his tragic death.
Such actions or inactions—sometimes innocent and thoughtless—can have unimaginable consequences for others. History offers striking examples. Had Mahatma Gandhi chosen to continue his legal career in South Africa instead of returning to India, would our freedom movement have had such powerful leadership? If Lata Mangeshkar had opted for marriage and household responsibilities, as many women of her time did, imagine the immense loss to the world of music.
Your actions matter, but so do their consequences. In law, ignorance is no excuse. If you unknowingly buy stolen goods, you are still accountable. Similarly, you cannot escape responsibility by claiming ignorance of the law—”Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” The same principle applies to the Law of Karma. Whether you are aware of it or not, if your actions or inactions cause harm, you will inevitably have to repay for them.
Therefore, before taking action—or choosing inaction—always consider the consequences.