How do you catch a person who is lying to you? Is it possible to know when someone is saying truth and when not? Psychologists have tried to find ways to get hold of a person who is deceitful. But can you get into the heart of the other person? We don’t know for sure. But for any action there are strong and visible reactions. Lies are harmful, can affect someone’s life. Cheaters and fraudsters are trained to be dishonest, very expertly. They can even establish that the lie is a truth by using various tactics. Most of the people are innocent, so they believe the other person’s story, easily.

There is a machine called lie detector which can help you finding out if someone is lying. However, it is not possible to ask everyone to undergo a lie detector test, so it is useful if we can find out, with our own naked eyes, whether a person is saying the truth. When a person is angry there are evident signs on his face. If a person is tired, we can see it from his body language. Psychologists have worked on such signals and have found out a way to detect liars.

Saying what is in our mind and what we believe to be true doesn’t take much effort. It comes out smoothly. Unless we want to cover up some fact or change the factual statement, our gestures would be seamless. Only when one has to convince the other person what he himself knows is not true, he needs to make an extra strong attempt. Because misrepresenting facts is difficult, it creates a fear in the speaker’s mind.

As per Science Daily, when a person lies, they experience a “Pinocchio effect,” which is an increase in the temperature around the nose and in the orbital muscle in the inner corner of the eye. In addition, when we perform a considerable mental effort our face temperature drops, and when we have an anxiety attack our face temperature rises. These are some of the conclusions drawn in a pioneering study conducted at the University of Granada Department of Experimental Psychology.

Apart from the temperature change and other signs on the person’s face, it is also noted that the person who is lying will make extra efforts to establish the lie as a truth. He would repeat the same thing again and again. He might also say: Why would I lie to you? His emphasis on repeating: I am telling the truth, you can ask him or her, etc are useful signals to make him a suspect. The Pinocchio effect is very useful way of observing people, through the changes in their body language and extra efforts they are making to convince the listener.