Preferential treatment – or favour – is common in most areas of our life. It may be favour by parents to one child in comparison to other siblings, or favour by government officers to one contractor over the others. There are many examples where preferential treatment is visibly clear.
Is preferential treatment, or favour, always bad? Does it necessarily end up doing injustice to anyone? As a rule, when there is an equal platform, everyone should be treated equally and there should be no favour or bias exercised by decision-makers. But still, it happens that due to human nature or certain ingrained reasons, such partiality comes into play.
In our personal lives, are we doing such partiality – positive or negative – to anyone? Are you in a position to turn the key in someone’s favour? Are you a parent who has two or more children, and have one favourite among them? Have you ever shouted out the anger of one person over someone else? Has there been someone who has become a victim of your bad temper even when a mistake is committed by others? Is there any bad impression of one person in your mind which leads you to believe that all faults are of her/his?
Sometimes, such differences enter into our behaviour and mind without our consciously being aware. It may result in injustice to someone or undue favour to another. Sometimes undeserved may be rewarded due to such partiality and deserving may have to suffer. It is better to ask ourselves if we are unconsciously exercising any bias or favour?