Our efforts to achieve result must lead to success. A few will recognise hard work put behind a failure. Success will make everyone believe a stock of labour hiding behind it. It’s a perception, but based on historical trends.

Who achieves by dreaming? Perseverance is essential for glorious victory. And therefore any triumph will be considered as outcome of passionate attempts.

Winston Churchill wrote, “It’s no use saying, “We are doing our best.” You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.”

Rightly, the world can’t count steps taken for reaching the goal. Position matters, not the path. Doing best must bring success.

And therefore, leaving a task without gaining the desired result will not lead to any recognition by the world. Plan activities in a way that something visible happens. Shining at top of a peak should be the goal, not just being satisfied by putting efforts to climb the inclined mountain. Reach to the top and everyone around you will not only visualise excessive efforts but also glorify them.

Well wishes for best efforts and visible success.

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