On October 2nd, we remember Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a virtuous soul. Much has been written, spoken and shown about him. Former Indian Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri was also born on the 2nd October. Another noble name associated with this day is scientist William Ramsay. This day is probably virtuous, noble. We remember the name of this Scottish scientist as he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for discovering Noble Gas.
It is interesting to understand the nature of Noble gas and know why they are called Noble. Even though it is a scientific topic, there is no harm in comprehending it in simple terms as it suggests that humankind should develop generosity, nobility.
Helium, Neon, Krypton, Argon, Xenon and Radon are the six gaseous elements known as Noble Gas. Arguably, Oganesson is sometimes considered a noble gas too. But the nature of these six main noble gases is such that they are in the normal state odorless, colorless, monatomic and less reactive. Due to these properties, they differ in general from other elements. Therefore, they are called noble gases.
Odorless: These gases do not have their own unique odor so their presence is not felt. Likewise, noble personalities do not feel necessity of making their presence felt, they know how to live among others without being noticed. They blend in easily with all other people. Why pretend to be something different? Simplicity is the jewel of great men. Whether it was Gandhi or Buddha, simplicity and harmony were in his nature. Their life was a symbol of harmony.
Colorless: Noble gas has no color. Even men who live a simple life do not like to show color. Their dress, behavior, speech and so on seem more common. They have no way of showing themselves to be superior to others. However, the beautiful properties of these gases are that they can also become brightly colorful when combined with light. As the light passes through these gases, their color turns out. You must have seen Neon light. It really uses one of these six noble gases. Likewise, a good personality can create a colorful life together with others.
Monatomic: Each atom of the noble gases is separated and differs, so their behavior is quite simple and they have little vibration or other activity. This is what great people are like. Everything in their minds is simple and independent. It has no vibration or agitation like anger, hatred, jealousy, anger and as a result, their behavior is very simple. The principles of the life of such people are simple as well.
Low reaction: Every atom of these gases is saturated so it does not react quickly to each other or to other molecules. Saturation is a virtue of a great life. They don’t need to take or give anything. What has to be given or taken after one has established the state of wisdom known as ‘Sthitpragyata’ in the Gita? Why do they need to react or respond? They observe the events happening around as witnesses and contribute to making them better by participating only if needed.
These gases were known as inert gases before being named as noble gases. They are thought to be not chemically active due to their unique nature. It was over the period of time that their properties were well understood and their importance came to the notice of scientists. Likewise, society makes the grave mistake of treating people with such qualities as not great, not noble, not even intelligent, but initially only as inactive and unresponsive.